Asher Freeman – Freeman Jewellery

Asher Freeman – Freeman Jewellery

Part of the process of developing as a photographer is to work on personal projects and force yourself to try something different.

Such was the case when I approached a good, and extremely talented, friend of mine who had recently gone solo with his jewellery design and set up his own business.

Asher Freeman is probably one of the nicest people I know. He has an amazing sense of drive, and his energy and passion for his work is at times all-consuming.

Most of all, he is a free spirit. Of all my friends he probably has the most apt and fitting surname.

I wanted to create a set of images in his studio that had a very definite “industrial” feel to them.

As such, my emphasis when shooting was on contrasty light and detail. My intention was to work towards black and white processing, with a high level of detail and grit worked into the post-processing.

Asher’s studio is the kind of place that a guy could get lost in, not because of its size, but because of the tools, gadgets and paraphernalia relevant to his profession. From a photographic point of view I had a ton of material to work with, and I’ll admit that I’m pleased with the items I chose to shoot.

As an exercise in trying something different, I am completely satisfied.

I am a great believer in good karma, and I feel that to believe in the power of good karma one has to become its agent at times. As much as I enjoyed the shoot and the opportunit y to create and edit images very different to what I normally do, it was the opportunity to catch up with a good friend over a good single malt and create images for him to use as a favour that made this exercise matter to me.

Good on you Asher for heading out into the scary world that is running a business on your own.

I have no doubt that your skill and passion will lead to amazing success in the years to come.

P.S. Thanks for an awesome whisky!

Important Announcement: Reduced Studio hours and changes in availability.
Firefly Photography is currently operating under reduced hours.
I’m able to offer studio sessions on Fridays as well as some Monday and Wednesday mornings.
Location work is also feasible, but will depend on the scope of the work required.
Please contact me via email if you have any queries.