Photographing an office full of staff comes with its own particular challenges.

Firstly, you need to take an appropriate amount of time with each client to put them at ease and photograph them well. However, you cannot keep them away from work for too long either.

Building rapport quickly is essential, and this is a skill I have honed quite well in my career as a doctor.

ENGEO has offices in the United States, and for this assignment it was crucial for me to match the lighting and look of the portraits taken of ENGEO’s staff in the USA. Being able to do this requires the skill of looking at an image and knowing what lights were used, where were they placed and what modifiers were used to create the quality of light evident in the image. However, in this instance, that alone would not have sufficed: I had to know how to recreate that specific look within the limited space of the meeting room where the portraits would be taken.

Every client I work with requires planning. This assignment would not have been completed successfully without me first having visited their offices, gaining complete clarity regarding the work they wanted done and then evaluating the proposed work area and deciding on the equipment and techniques needed to get things done right.

The assignment was completed flawlessly and with minimal disruption to their working day.

Important Announcement: Reduced Studio hours and changes in availability.
Firefly Photography is currently operating under reduced hours.
I’m able to offer studio sessions on Fridays as well as some Monday and Wednesday mornings.
Location work is also feasible, but will depend on the scope of the work required.
Please contact me via email if you have any queries.